Eco Homewares
What is an Eco Home?
The idea of an Eco-Home is to minimize your household's impact on the environment.
A home is where we spend the vast majority of our time, besides work. Multiply one household's daily impact by billions of homes worldwide we can understand just how much a seemingly small impact gets amplified:​
• A plastic toothbrush every 2-3 months
• Plastic cotton buds / cue tips each day
• A polyurethane dish sponge that wears out each month
• All kinds of cleaning brushes with plastic handles and plastic bristles
This is just the beginning. Take a look around your home and try and see how many items have been created in an environmentally destructive process, and/or will ultimately end up as landfill.
If everyone were to swap out their daily household products, for something that is non-destructive, the world would see a whole lot less pollution in all forms. We want to see environmentally friendly lifestyle choices, become the new normal.